What was the seed that grew into what is now your food business?
I came to Romania in 2011 to establish a social farm for disadvantaged women. In this farm we now grow vegetables and fruits and raise poultry and rabbits for our own needs. We manufacture 12 types of Italian cheese which are for sale (to help support us) and for our needs.
What has been the biggest hurdle you have overcome as a female food entrepreneur?
The biggest hurdles I have overcome as a female food entrepreneur in Romania were bureaucracy and cultural differences. In time, I have learned to deal with both these challenges, and I still do it.

What is your best piece of advice for other aspiring female food entrepreneurs?
I would tell other aspiring female food entrepreneurs that they need to have passion for what they intend to do.

If there was training available for you before you set up your business would you use it, or did you do any training.
Before I started my social farm, I did an apprenticeship programme at the workplace in a cheese factory in Italy.
If you’d like training what areas would you like to it on specifically. Or if you did training did it help grow your business? I do not have time to attend any training but, if I had, I believe I would need it in several areas – manufacturing, management, marketing.

Website: https://www.curtea-culorilor.org/
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