Case Study: ASOCIAȚIA “CURTEA CULORILOR” (The “Court of Colours” Association)
What was the seed that grew into what is now your food business? I came to Romania in 2011 to
What was the seed that grew into what is now your food business? I came to Romania in 2011 to
What was the seed that grew into what is now your food business? I started getting into moulding chocolate when
What was the seed that grew into what is now your food business? We had rented a farm and had
As lead partners of the Erasmus+ funded Educate to Innovate: Developing and Sustaining Female Food Entrepreneurs project, GMIT were delighted
LTTA 1 – Teaching, Training Learning Activity, Galway, Ireland 1st – 3rd April: LTTA1 which was a Short-term joint staff-training